Priests and Prophets

Service in-person or via YouTube

We Unitarian Universalists arise out of a Protestant Christian tradition of “the priesthood of all believers,” where we affirm that every person among us has a direct connection to the holy and does not need someone to be a mediating authority. We also believe in the “prophethood of all believers,” that everyone is called to speak out for justice and a dream of a better future. So why do we still have ministers? For her final service as worship leader, Katie will share her thoughts on what it means to minister to – and with – a community.

Summer Service Format: Our summer worship series is broadly theme based, with multiple readings and a short sermon designed to spark conversation. Following the service, please stay, grab a drink, and circle around to go deeper together! In the conversation circle following the service, we will share our joys and sorrows, offer one another our thoughts on the theme for that Sunday, and deepen our connections to one another.

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