A grandmother and granddaughter participating in the fair together.


Loving community is the hearthstone of UUCR. We gather for caring support, spiritual growth, stewardship, social outreach, and fun—to be fully human together. Many activities welcome both youth and adults. 

While each group has a special focus, each also fosters heartfelt connections.


Spiritual Growth: Take part in UUCR’s Chalice Circles or Small-Group Ministry Pods, serve on the Religious Education Committee or the Worship Arts Team, sing in the choir—learn more about nurturing your spiritual growth.

Fellowship: Lively, family-friendly events such as First Sunday Potlucks happen regularly at UUCR. The Liberal Ladies, the Men’s Group, and others meet monthly to talk, learn, and connect; and our congregational life is broadened and enriched by our relationships with Unitarians and UUs abroad. Annual highlights are the Kris Kringle Fair and Spring Fling, where good conversation happens as folks work side by side—learn more about fellowship opportunities.

Stewardship: As a self-governing congregation, we are the stewards of UUCR’s well-being, tending its building and grounds, keeping its finances sound, and supporting its growing online presence–learn more about stewardship at UUCR.

Social Justice: Inspired by the “Power of We,” members and friends learn about social and environmental equity, serve those in need, and pursue justice. Learn about UUCR’s active groups and programs.


Learn More

For up-to-the-minute news about UUCR offerings

and offerings by members – such as Meditation, Yoga, and Nia – 

visit our Facebook Member Bulletin Board


We’d love for you to join us at any level of involvement. Please contact our Member Services & Volunteer Coordinator for more information.