Let This Radicalize You, Rather than Lead You to Despair

Service in-person or via YouTube

I keep this quote from Mariame Kaba on a post-it note, stuck to my computer monitor, so that even as I am tempted to doomscroll, staring at news and online chatter, I will remember that absorbing all of that only matters if it moves me to action. Our thoughts and our emotions must lead to action, to the work of our hands to build something better. We must bear witness to the world’s pain, but we must not let that witness numb us, but spur us onward.

Summer Service Format: Our summer worship series is broadly theme based, with multiple readings and a short sermon designed to spark conversation. Following the service, please stay, grab a drink, and circle around to go deeper together! In the conversation circle following the service, we will share our joys and sorrows, offer one another our thoughts on the theme for that Sunday, and deepen our connections to one another.

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