
#UULent has been created as a way for Unitarian Universalists to engage in a shared spiritual practice alongside siblings in faith who are observing Lent*.
We thank our UU colleagues Rev. Mr Barb Greve, Karen Bellavance-Grace and Alex Kapitan for this year’s calendar of 40 words. Each day you are invited to reflect on a word. If you’d like to capture your experience with a photo, please do, and share it with UUCR. You may upload photos here  #UULent – Photo collection 2021 or post them to our UUCR Facebook Member Bulletin Board under the daily post. We will share uploaded photos on social media and use them throughout the year!
You are receiving this email on Thursday, February 18th. Our word for today is EARTH.
*In Christian tradition, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation marked by fasting, from a food or activity, for 40 days before the celebration of Easter. The 40 days represent a time of spiritual discernment in the life of Jesus of Nazareth as told in the biblical gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.