Speaker: Jaimie Dingus

Sanctuary Anew

One Service Sunday at 10:00am. Worship Leaders: Jaimie Dingus, Ministerial Intern and Sally Liebermann, Director of Lifespan Religious Education. Music: UUCR Choir.

On this long weekend that honors Indigenous People’s Day, let us join together in an innovative and multigenerational worship where we will learn what … read more.

Slow Down, Take it in, Let it Go

One Service: 10am. Worship Leader: Ministerial Intern Jaimie Dingus. Special Music: Roald Wilson.
As busy summers come to a close, let’s take a moment to gather, center ourselves, and explore the power that patience can have in our hectic lives. I will reflect on my experiences as a chaplain at a nursing home in a slow sleepy town in southern Virginia, and invite us all to find moments of stillness and rest.