
Living Nativity Sunday Service–Dec. 18 at 10:00 am

Join us for a special multigenerational Christmas pageant and service honoring the lights in the darkness so many winter holidays offer! People of all ages are invited to participate in this service – no preparation necessary!

Special Service: When the Holidays Hurt

Emotionally and spiritually, the pastoral care team and Rev. Laura are here for you if this time of year is proving to be challenging. You are invited to our “When the Holidays Hurt” service on December 14th at 7:00 pm.

You are also welcome to reach out … read more.

Music Sunday–Dec. 11 at 10:00 am

Be sure to attend our “Do You Let the Light In?” Music Sunday worship this Sunday, December 11th for a very special event as we host UU composer, song leader and author Nick Page! Well-known in UU music circles, he has led the Mystic Chorale … read more.

Adult RE Opportunities

Rev. Laura and colleagues from around the area are collaborating to create The Commuunity Collaborative – a collection of adult religious education opportunities with UU’s from all over Massachusetts. Because of Rev. Laura’s involvement in this project, UUCR members will have first opportunities to register – signups will … read more.

Undecorate the Tree 2022

This annual event is where friends and members of UUCR ensure that 75 children under the care of the Department of Children and Families in Wakefield have a merry Christmas. There are various ways to participate, from sponsoring an entire family, sponsoring the complete list … read more.

Small Group Ministry Facilitators

Interested in Small Group Ministry?

Interested in building Small Group Ministry?

The Membership Team is seeking individuals to help create sessions from our Soul Matters monthly themes and materials. These folks would then help host groups, in person and virtually. We hope to work on a session … read more.

Leaf Raking 11/5

Community Leaf Raking

THIS Saturday, November 5th,

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Adults and children of all ages are invited to join us to rake the leaves at UUCR this Saturday, November 5th anytime between 9:00 am and noon! Bring a rake and work gloves if you … read more.

Our Congregational Life

There’s much happening at UUCR. Don’t miss out; please remember to read the newsletter weekly or the congregational calendar. Dates, times, contacts will be listed for you there.

Congregational Meeting

October Annual Meeting of the
Members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Sunday, October 30, 2022
11:30 am

This is a virtual meeting. Please see the newsletter for the link and regulations around voting.

1) Call to Order

2) Acceptance of the Minutes of the May 2022 Meeting

3) Financial Status

a. … read more.

Support the Kris Kringle Fair

Please see the newsletter for weekly updates.

Silent Auction

Spark some lively bids! Do you have a high-interest item that would create spirited bidding in the Silent Auction? Tickets to a play or sporting event…a fun and sought-after collectible…a special doll…original art…an extraordinary piece of … read more.