Passing the collection plate during an in-person service

Thanks to those who came before, UUCR’s doors were open in 1979 when I arrived. Here my daughters learned tolerance and compassion. After many years I still feel valued, nourished, and spiritually stretched. I pledge support every year so that the church and its message of love, hope, and blessed community will be here for those who seek it. –Anne Mark


UUCR is 100% supported by contributions from our members. Your contributions pay our staff a fair wage, support the work of this church that includes educating our children and ourselves, and maintain our buildings even during these days of social distancing. These make UUCR the dynamic spiritual community we all wish it to be. 

How to Donate

You can support the life and work of this congregation through your pledge, weekly offerings, and  special campaigns. We are grateful for your generosity in all its diverse forms, and offer the following donation methods:

  1. Online through your bank  Please indicate the initiative you are funding in the memo field.
    • Set up Bill Pay to automatically send payment to UUCR, 239 Woburn St, Reading MA 01867
  2. By check  Please indicate the initiative you are funding in the memo field.
    • Mail a check to UUCR, 239 Woburn St, Reading MA 01867, or
    • Place your check in the collection plate during an in-person service
  3. Online through UUCR
    • Click this link or fill out the form below to donate via your bank account or credit card via Breeze

  4. With appreciated stock  Please email our Gift Coordinator at [email protected] for instructions on how to donate stock.


Pledges Are Our Main Source of Support

Each spring, members and friends make a financial pledge to sustain the mission and operation of the church. These annual pledges are UUCR’s main source of support. Pledges may be paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year or in regular installments over the course of the year. You may like to learn about the theme of this year’s pledge drive.

Weekly Offerings

Weekly offerings during church services also assist in funding our operations. In a simple yet powerful way for each of us to share in our church mission of helping heal the world, UUCR shares each Sunday’s offering equally with a non-profit organization.

Capital Improvement Fund

This fund supports UUCR’s capital expenses to maintain our buildings and grounds, make needed and overdue improvements, and reduce the amount of energy needed to keep our campus running.

Legacy Giving

By including UUCR in your charitable and estate plans you are making a commitment that honors the past, celebrates the present, and helps to sustain a vibrant future. Please email our Gift Coordinator at [email protected] for more information on Legacy Giving.  


Thank you. We are grateful for your generosity.

If we can answer any question for you, please contact our Member Services & Volunteer Coordinator.