As we approach September and the start of another church year, our Reopening Team continues to work hard to resume an in-person church life. What we know now is that the start of our church year will not be what it was in 2019, nor what it was in 2020. The pandemic continues to evolve with the emergence of the Delta variant and we still lack vaccinations for our children under 12. This requires us to be flexible, adaptive and creative as we prepare for the start of the church year.
Our Reopening Team has been meeting throughout the summer, keeping a watchful eye on public health metrics. As we look for opportunities to open our campus in expanded ways, we know that it is safest to meet in smaller groups than would normally gather in the Sanctuary. To protect the health and well-being of all our beloved members, the Reopening Team has determined that UUCR worship services will remain online through the month of September. The presence of the Delta variant has highlighted vulnerabilities of both vaccinated and unvaccinated people and our Team has determined that meeting in large groups right now is simply not safe.
While we continue to miss the fellowship, friendships, and spiritual experiences that UUCR has provided on Sunday mornings, we remain committed to moving forward with an emphasis on protecting those most vulnerable in our congregation. With what we know at this time, we CAN meet in small groups! In our next chapter, we will creatively promote universal access to our services, religious education, programs, and fellowship in a safe and responsible pathway. Multi-platform church life means many ways of doing church, including both online and in person options to best meet the needs of as many people as possible.
Our 2021 church year will begin on Sunday, September 12th. Our various worship leaders and participants will live stream from the sanctuary, as it is safe to do so. Our monthly theme for September is “Exploring Possibility,” and will include these worship services:
Sunday, September 12th ~ Water Communion Sunday
Sunday, September 19th ~ Covenant Sunday
Sunday, September 26th ~ Symbols of Our Faith
It would be easy to look around right now and focus on the narrowing of our options or the things we cannot do. We believe that we are now called to explore the possible ways to care for one another, to build a beloved community, and to seek the holy – though what we find holy may vary so much from one person to another. We encourage you to envision all the ways that we can still meet now in small groups – offering care and community beyond Sunday mornings. As the staff and lay leaders work to create flexible offerings for different ways to gather, be inspired to explore and send us your ideas!
With gratitude for your trust, confidence and our congregation’s shared ministry,
Your UUCR Reopening Team
Lorraine Dennis
Paula Houle
Robyn Matzke
Allison Sillers
Sally Liebermann
Melissa Martin
Katie McQuage-Loukas