“Do We Really Need an 8th Principle?”
Saturday, March 27, 2021
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, MEd, CRE–ML and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading welcome you to a half-day workshop on the 7 UU Principles and a consideration of the proposed 8th Principle. Through collaborative storytelling, reflection and lively activities, we will explore the theological grounding and story of each of the 7 Principles and the proposed 8th Principle. We will also investigate the broader context of our Principles in Article II of the bylaws of our Unitarian Universalist Association.
- How does the freedom of belief clause differ from peace, liberty, and justice for all?
- What do we mean by “inclusion”?
- Which religions are “world religions”?
Answer these questions and deepen your engagement with one of the key texts of our shared faith by finding out if we really need an 8th Principle.
Please Register in Advance Here