The Grief of Transition

The Grief of Transition
An Invitation From Our Pastoral Care Team
Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm
It has been more than a month since we all heard about the resignation of Rev. Hank. Through the Listening Circles, the Governing Board and President Lorraine Dennis provided our community with a wonderful format through which we heard both how this difficult decision was reached, and an invitation to express our feelings upon hearing this news. The Pastoral Care Team would like to offer you an additional opportunity of sharing and support.
Our Ministerial Intern Katie and the Pastoral Care Team will preside over a Zoom service on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm. Through movement, music, readings, and sharing, we hope to help you process whatever grief you feel around the loss of Rev. Hank and his role at UUCR. And for those who would like, an opportunity to safely share what this time of transition has been like for you personally will be provided.
We hope that you will accept our invitation!
Mark your calendars and join us for what we hope will be a meaningful and healing service on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021, at 7:00 pm. The Zoom link will be provided in the weekly newsletter.
Remember, we are all in this together!
Pastoral Care Team