Sacred Vaccines

As members and friends of our church begin to receive their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, it is a good to be reminded that everything is sacred, including and especially getting inoculated. My friend the Rev. Michael Woolf in Evanston, IL wrote a prayer for this occasion and I share it with you as we all enter a new, and dare I say, optimistic season. – Hank
“Sustainer of All, Hold me in your care as I receive this vaccine, the work of scientists, the labor of healthcare professionals. Bless the swirl of molecules and antibodies, the mystical give and take of my body.
Remove from me fear. For many have gone down this path before me, and many shall go after me. You made all things and called them good. Open my heart to gratitude, even in the midst of much suffering. I give thanks for this jab, a strange way to receive a blessing.
Stir my conscience to the consideration of others, that I may not forget my mask just because I am protected. Remind me of my obligations to the community and myself, and give me courage to receive my next dose. Awaken me to vulnerability, while I am a soul of light. I am an emotional being, draw near to me this day, as I choose to celebrate life and community. Amen”