
UU 8th Principle in Consideration

“Do We Really Need an 8th Principle?”
Saturday, March 27, 2021
9:00 am to 12:00 pm


Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, MEd, CRE–ML and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading welcome you to a half-day workshop on the 7 UU Principles and a consideration of the proposed 8th Principle. Through … read more.

Sunday services switch to Zoom

Beginning on Sunday, March 21st we will be returning to Sunday morning worship on Zoom. Rev. Hank reports we are doing this for a number of reasons, first to provide a more exciting service, where we can interact with each other. Second, once we return to … read more.

Congregational Survey

Dear Beloved Community,

We want to hear from you as we define what we will look like when we come back together. How will we carry out our mission together to nurture and explore individual spirituality, to build a committed and loving community, and to help … read more.

Pledge Drive is Underway

Our Annual Pledge Drive is underway! In light of all that has happened this past year we have chosen “Resilience, Rebirth, Renewal” as our Pledge Drive theme.

The annual drive is UUCR’s main source of income. Each spring we ask members and friends  to make a … read more.

UUCR Awarded Special Recognition


Bread & Roses honored UUCR with a Partner Appreciation Award, “applauding” UUCR’s dedication to helping those in need over the last year.



March is for Commitment

The worship theme for March is Commitment, and you will find this thread all through our worship services. We begin with a service on our personal commitment to our spiritual beliefs, then to a service where we show the commitment that we make to our … read more.

UU the Vote, Democracy for All

What does democracy for all mean? Is grounding our work in racial justice the key? We want to hear about what’s important to you in preserving and expanding democracy. 

This month, we want to focus our attention on Native American Awareness. First, we might consider land … read more.

An Appeal from one of our SHYP Youth

One of our SHYP youth relays: I am a part of We The Youth, a diverse group made up of students in Massachusetts that organize and lead events and facilitate discussions in order to help educate and create change around us. Our focus is on current … read more.

Sharing with “Helping Our Troops”

Our March Share the Plate Recipient is “Helping Our Troops”

Each Sunday, UUCR shares half the money received in the collection plate with a non-profit organization that shares our UU values. It’s a simple, yet powerful way for each of us to “Help Heal the World.”  Our … read more.

RE Update

Join us for Sunday service via YouTube at 10:00 am! Each week we see friends lighting our chalice and leading our affirmation. Our services include family-friendly content for the first 20 minutes or so. We learn hymns and hear messages for all ages before we transition … read more.