Buddhist Meditation

Mondays from 7:15 – 8:30 pm
On September 20th, the UUCR Buddhist Meditation group will begin meeting again on Monday nights. No prior experience with meditation or Buddhism is required, and all are welcome. The group will meet from 7:15 to 8:30 pm, both in-person in Fellowship Hall or simultaneously via Zoom. Gatherings will include QiGong practice, chanting (silent for now), Mindfulness and Compassion meditations, and brief discussions around these practices and the foundations of Buddhism. Please join us.
In compliance with church reopening policies, in-person participation is limited to 20 participants and all are required to pre-register and complete a covid health tracking form for each session. Join the Buddhist Meditation email list to pre-register. Face masks are required for everyone on the church campus, with social distancing observed.