We are an entirely self-governing congregation, guided by a set of living bylaws.
CLICK HERE to view our current bylaws.

The Governing Board

The UUCR Governing Board consists of twelve members. The nine voting members are the President, three Vice Presidents (Programs, Planning, and Finance), and five at-large members. The three non-voting members are the Minister, the Treasurer, and the Clerk.

Questions or concerns? Contact the Governing Board at [email protected].Our Governing Board is responsible for the care and management of church property, programs and affairs, and guides the church’s strategic direction and fulfillment of its mission. At each May business meeting, the Board submits an annual report of the church’s affairs and an annual budget for approval by the members. UUCR members vote on the budget, Governing Board candidates, bylaw changes, calling a settled minister, and other issues as necessary in May and October, and at special congregational meetings.

icon of a calendar

The Board meets monthly from September to June. Two of the meetings are daylong retreats, one in August to set Board goals for the coming church year and one in January to assess and adjust goals if necessary. In addition, the VPs convene the Program, Finance, and Planning Councils quarterly.

Program Council

The Program Council consists of the Vice President for Programs, who serves as chair, the Minister, and at a minimum the chairs of the church’s worship, fellowship, and social justice committees. The council meets quarterly, along with church staff, to unify, coordinate, and communicate the program activities of the church, to strengthen connections of purpose between committees, and to consider matters as requested by the Governing Board.

Finance Council

The Finance Council consists of the Vice President for Finance, who serves as chair, the Treasurer, the Gift Coordinator, the Auditor, and the chairs of the Investment, Endowment, and Pledge Committees. The council coordinates and communicates UUCR’s fiscal affairs, including the annual budget, investments, fundraising, maintaining the church’s financial integrity, and matters as requested by the Governing Board.

Planning Council

The Planning Council consists of the Vice President for Planning, who serves as chair, and the chairs of the Long-Range Planning and Property Committees.The council assesses, anticipates, and projects the long-range capital, program, and staffing needs of the church and considers matters as requested by the Governing Board.